
Tyrant lizard foot
Cretaceous (145 - 66mya)

Ichnospecies in Australia
Not specific.

Ichnospecies meaning

Origin and other locations 
The footprints that were first given the name Tyrannosauropus were first described but not named by William Peterson in 1924; they were found in mines in Utah and Colorado, in rocks of Cretaceous age. In 1955, Jacques Lessertisseur gave these footprints the name Tyrannosauripus; in 1971, Hartmut Haubold in 1971 gave them the name Tyrannosauropus, evidently unaware of Lessertisseur’s earlier name.

Australian use and location
Lark Quarry Qld (Thulborn & Wade 1984).

Large theropod trackways 50–55cm long, originally thought to be evidence of a Tyrannosaurus-sized theropod (although not Tyrannosaurus itself). These tracks are now thought to belong to a smaller theropod dinosaur with large feet, a member of the megaraptoran family (possibly an Australovenator, which is known from rocks of the same age in Central West Queensland).

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