The Museum aims to provide world-class customer service and visitor experience in all that we do and truly values your feedback. If you feel that we have exceeded your expectations or not handled something to your satisfaction, please feel free to talk to us about it – we’d love to hear from you. Our Customer Service Policy is available for further information.
How do I provide this feedback?
In person at either attraction
Australian Age of Dinosaurs, Lot 1 Dinosaur Drive, Winton Qld 4735
Dinosaur Stampede National Monument, Winton Jundah Road, Winton Qld 4735
In writing
Complete and submit the online form or write a letter to the Museum at PO Box 408 Winton Qld 4735
Further information
For further information on the Museum's customer feedback process, please email or phone: +61 07 4657 0078 where your call will redirected to a relevant staff member.